JOINTEX-200 JOINTEX-200 waterproofing of expansion joints is a water-based polymer, which is applied coldly, it is single-component, and it is used as a lining and waterproofing for all types surfaces in the lowe Overview Description JOINTEX JOINTEX-200 waterproofing of expansion joints is a water-based polymer, which is applied coldly, it is single-component, and it is used as a lining and waterproofing for all types surfaces in the lower layers, and it is resistant to moisture. Application JOINTEX Anti-watering of the foundation of the building, Waterproofing plaster walls and straw, Waterproofing slate, sheets, and cement tiles, Waterproofing the walls of pools before painting. Advantages JOINTEX Reasonable price and light weight, High ease and speed of execution and fast drying time, Long durability and the possibility of running on moist surfaces, Compatibility with the environment, non-toxic and non-flammable, Can be applied by brush, roller and spray, High temperature resista. AddToCartModal ×